Can A Water Flosser Replace Regular Flossing?
You only get one set of adult teeth, and most of us understand the importance of regular brushing and flossing. However, getting in between all of your teeth and removing the bulk of the debris left behind from the foods you eat can be difficult. Water flossing is another method you can employ to best ensure your teeth are clean, but can a water flosser replace regular flossing? To answer this question, it's important to understand the various components involved with this option.
What Is Water Flossing?
A water flosser is an oral irrigator, and it's aimed in between the teeth to effectively remove the food particles and plaque found in these hard-to-reach areas. The pressure is high enough to achieve a high level of quality that can significantly increase the level of oral hygiene necessary to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy.
How to Use a Water Flosser
While water flossing can prove to be an effective way to floss your teeth, it's imperative that you use the equipment properly. First, you must find a product proven to provide the results you're looking for. There are many options from which to choose, and you can browse the best ones here. You can then check out how to use a water flosser properly.
Can A Water Flosser Replace Regular Flossing?
It has been shown that water flossing provides impressive results, and it's certainly a better option than not flossing at all. However, many dentists warn that they don't remove bacterial colonies as well as traditional flossing. Therefore, it's still recommended that you employ regular flossing as part of your routine. When combined with the use of a water flosser, you can effectively rinse areas of concern to heighten your overall flossing experience.
Let's face it. Sometimes we get busy, and it's not uncommon to overlook the flossing process. In this case, water flossing can prove to be an efficient way to still reap the benefits of flossing and decrease your chances of developing cavities and bacterial diseases.
Great Option for Braces
It's estimated that 50 to 70 percent of American children between the ages of six and 18 will wear corrective braces in order to achieve aligned teeth. While they do provide a permanent solution to a common aesthetic problem, the truth remains that they can make it incredibly difficult to floss. The Jetpick Powerfloss System can provide the answer you've been looking for. You can watch a tutorial on how to apply this product below.
Water Flossing Doesn't Trap Bacteria
Many new to water flossing have the false impression that this method traps bacteria in the periodontal pocket, and this can lead to a number of problems. This misconception has led many to avoid water flossing altogether. However, there's no need to fear as this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, the opposite is true. Water flossing actually removes bacteria from these pockets.
A study that lasted 63 days proves this point. At the end of the study, participants who incorporated regular brushing and water flossing proved to achieve an 80 percent higher overall effectiveness as opposed to those who only brushed and rinsed.
Great for Sensitive Teeth and Gums
Approximately half of the population suffers with sensitive teeth and gums, and this can lead to severe irritation and bleeding during the course of the traditional flossing process. In this case, water flossing can provide the solution you've been looking for. In fact, a study revealed that those who used water flossing in addition to brushing experienced a 53 percent reduction in bleeding than with brushing alone.
Great Option for Periodontal Maintenance
If you're one of the thousands of patients undergoing periodontal maintenance, water flossing may be a better option than regular flossing. This is because the concavity of the proximal surfaces are often left with pockets as large as four to six millimeters. Regular flossing methods prove ineffective in keeping these areas clean while water flossing can effectively reach these areas and allow the patient to maintain the high level of oral hygiene necessary.
Benefits for Users With Diabetes
While those with no medical problems should still consider the benefits of both traditional and water flossing, there are unique benefits to be reaped by those suffering with diabetes. These individuals have an increased risk for the development of periodontal disease. Just some of the associated problems that were significantly reduced by brushing and water flossing in diabetic users include:
- Gingivitis
- Bleeding
- Inflammation
- Infection
An Effective Option
Once all of your adult teeth have grown in, it's up to you to ensure proper oral hygiene. In order to achieve this, it's crucial that you brush and floss daily. Whether you've been using a water flosser or are curious of whether or not to include it's use as part of your daily routine, it's certainly worth trying. While those without certain medical conditions may benefit by continuing to use regular flossing alongside water flossing, it can actually prove to be more effective for those suffering with problems such as diabetes and periodontal issues.
It's simple to begin reaping the many benefits of water flossing, and to gain access to the tools necessary. It can be a little confusing getting started, so if you have any questions, feel free to comment below to gain the skills you need to properly incorporate this powerful oral hygiene method into your everyday life.
Aurora is the lead editor here at She is one of those people who actually likes going to the dentist. She loves to write about anything health related, but oral health is her most passionate topic. Her free time is spent partaking in family activities and experimenting in the kitchen.